Happy Early Birthday to FCYB!

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If FCYB started its operations on the same day as our first blog post, then we turn 1 year old in 2 days!  Exciting!

Well I’ve been so busy with running the station now I haven’t posted in like three weeks.  So I figured it’s time that we update the general public on what’s been going on.

Sometime in mid-February, we came up with a name for the station: KLIKradio.  Yes, it only took us 11 months to figure out what we would call the station.  It’s pronounced Click Radio, but we hope to market the brand heavily enough that people remember how to spell it (at least until we can get our hands on the domain that was taken by the greedy people who own it now, stupid link farms).

On March 3, three incredible volunteers at FCYB put on a fantastic 2-hour radio show, our first live broadcast involving a microphone ever!  Talley, Stephanie, and Alex all deserve a huge thumbs up, even though there were some mistakes made along the way.  I would love to give you a link to the recording we have of their show, but because of copyright issues with the songs played….can’t exactly do that.

Since then, we’ve added a couple shows to the line up and are hoping to add more in the months to come.  I’m also hoping to work with Laura to create a “KLIK in the Classroom” program, per se, an initiative to get teachers playing the station in their classes whenever there’s music on.  Just earlier today we had the Little Green Paperclip,our only pre-recorded show that went from 11 to 1, and yesterday we had Power Hour with Philip and Rick.

Anyways, other than that, meetings have gone well and we hope to get Tim Wirth on our board of directors as soon as we can.  We also need to figure out where to find about $400 to fix the ventilation in our stupid studio.  When you get even 3 or 4 people in there at once, it starts to get kind of stuffy.

Other than these few things, not a whole lot has happened here in the great world of FCYB.  Happy birthday to us!

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