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We have some good fundraising ideas being tossed around right now. (Car Wash, Garage Sale, Restaurant Night, etc..) Most of which require a lot of planning, organization, and Volunteers (Hint, Hint……). So, as there get more developed, we’ll let you know.

We have booked a Fundraiser called SafeRide for Sat. Nov. 12th in Laramie, Wyoming. What is SafeRide? Well….. The University of Wyoming has this program called SafeRide in which anyone in Laramie can use to get anywhere in Laramie safely, keeping a lot of drunk drivers off the road. However, the SafeRide drivers need some assistance, so if an organization volunteers to help out and be SideKicks, they get $100 for the night. Quick, easy money. One email and we had this one planned. We plan on doing this throughout the second semester as well.

We contacted this organization called Landmark Event Staff. They provide security for large scale events (college football games, basketball games, etc..). We heard that an organization can send volunteers and then LES pays the organization what would normally be put towards wages if the volunteers were employed. We am waiting to hear back from them.

Thanks for reading, and we will write to you guys later! Adios!

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