Jan 12
Simone (vice-president) is calling a meeting for Wednesday at some time/place. I’m not sure where or when yet, but here are things that I’d like to see on the agenda (in no particular order):
- Roles of the directors – is our board doing its job? (not trying to imply that it isn’t, but is it?)
- Division of Work – how are we going to distribute the workload through the organization?
- Logging hours for CAS, Capstone, and PaCE – how should we go about this, and who should be authorized to sign for these hours?
- Increasing communication – why won’t (or will) the forum (https://fcyb.org/forum) work, and what can we do to increase the amount of accessible and continuous communication between all members of the organization?
- Weekly meetings – should we schedule a weekly meeting, and if so where should it be and at what time and place?
- Lease agreement – Should we finalize the lease agreement on the corner of College and Myrtle? If so, should we prepay for a certain amount of time? Or, should we consider going elsewhere?
- Sponsor findings – Because Elizabeth doesn’t seem to have any interest in or time to actually leaving her house to finding sponsors, who should find them? What kind of information packet needs to be put together to approach these sponsors with, and who should approve them before they can be put to use?
- Re-writing bylaws – we need to re-write our bylaws so that they fit our organizational needs. In addition and specifically, we need to re-write them so that adults can replace students with regards to the board of directors.
- Volunteer coordinator – we need to put in place solid methods for coordinating our volunteers, adding volunteers, and keeping track of volunteers. On paper or electronically we need to keep track of people, what they’re doing, their position/status, hours, etc.
- PaCE Inbox – there IS a box in the PaCE office for people to drop off papers and whatnot that need to go to someone. Should we keep it? Is there a point? Etc, etc, etc
- Grants – Who should be responsible for typing up grants or help type up grants? (Other than me, I think I should have a big part in the grantwriting since I started it all)
- Techy Stuff – I’m going to hand over all the techy stuff to Don. Talk to him for any computer or engineering needs (that don’t involve terrestrial broadcasting, those still go to me)
- LPFM Issue – should we pursue either a) the purchase of 101.5 in 3 years or b) the lease of 101.5 in the near future?
- Full-power Issue – do we see any potential in pursuing the purchase of KLHV or KRKY?
Hm that’s it for now. I’ll edit the post if I think of more.
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