A Quick Look into Developing Software at KLIK

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This little bit of code gets rid of songs that no longer exist in iTunes.

iTunesApp app = new iTunesApp();
IITTrackCollection tracks = app.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks;
foreach (IITTrack track in tracks)
	if (ITTrackKind.ITTrackKindFile == track.Kind)
		IITFileOrCDTrack filetrack = (IITFileOrCDTrack)track;
		if (!File.Exists(filetrack.Location))
				Console.WriteLine(track.Name + " - deleted");
				Console.WriteLine("Couldn't delete " + track.Name);

While not a very robust solution, it gets the job done.

New Year, New Plan!

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Happy 2011!  As crazy it seems, Fort Collins Youth Broadcasting will turn 4 years old in April.  And since we’re growing up, we’re making a few changes to our organization’s structure.

Usually, KLIK Radio volunteers elect their bold and fearless leaders to command them into the ultimate battle of survival: keeping KLIK on the air.  However, true leaders in high school are hard to come by, and sometimes it’s better to have those with experience in charge.  As such, we’re changing things up a bit.

Effective sometime in the near future, the board of directors is going to consist of partially high school students, and partially KLIK Radio alumni.  We are devoted to keeping KLIK a student-run organization, but sometimes younger people need to be taught by older people.  As such, we are going to swap out the board.  As of current standings, interested alumni include Jake Wood, Ilya Smirnov, and Victoria Wiederhold.  These three will be sitting on the board sometime in the very near future, and will either replace current board members, or will simply be added to the board as additional members.  The logistics are still being worked on, but that’s the gist of it.

One of the first things that will be discussed by the new board is continuing the current tradition of voting in directors.  Historically, people vote for their friends, and there just aren’t that many people on the ballots as it is.  Discontinuing voting will allow truly qualified people to serve on the board, and will take pressure off volunteers to hold “campaigns” and decide whether or not they want to serve on the board.

Overall, we believe alumni on the board of directors will be of incredible benefit to the organization as a whole, providing support and stability that FCYB has had troubles establishing over the course of its existence.

Happy new year, and hope we see YOU in 2011! 😀

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