Elitch Gardens Tix for $20!

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KLIK Radio is selling tickets to Elitch Gardens for just $20!  They are good for any operating day in May (you can visit Elitch Garden’s web site for a calendar of all the available days until we get an FCYB-friendly copy), and they include a little bit of free food, a voucher for another cheap ticket in September (just $15), and the opportunity to upgrade to a season pass for just $30!

So overall, it’s a great deal!  Our goal is to sell 300 tickets.  We’re crazy, right?  Maybe…but we love roller coasters.

We get our first initial batch of 50 tickets on March 16, and you can reserve a ticket to pay cash later or buy one right now.

Have fun at Elitch’s!


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We are going to give Kickstarter a try for this March pledge drive.  Basically, how it works, we have to raise $350 by 10:00 PM on March 31.  If we don’t, we don’t get any of the money pledged to us.  It’s all or nothing.

Obviously, we can raise more than $350, too.  And we get all of it.  So…if you haven’t already pledged, do it to it!

In the future, we hope to use Kickstarter for just a couple things:

  • Equipment purchases
  • Fundraiser expenses (by using Kickstarter, we can virtually eliminate the risk associated with holding a fundraiser)

The results of this general pledge drive will determine whether or not we continue to use Kickstarter in the future for general expenses.  However, equipment purchases and fundrasiers are definitely things Kickstarter can be used for, and we are even in the talks of setting up a Kickstarter project specifically for a dance fundraiser!  So…watch out world!

March Madness

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March is coming soon.  What does that mean for KLIK?  March Madness!

We have three major goals for the organization this month:

  • Raise $1,000.
  • Win the $5,000 Pepsi grant.
  • Get one new show per week.

These three goals are very ambitious, and our volunteers have their work cut out for them.  However, if they can pull it off, things around KLIK will be spectacular!  We are also considering creating YouTube videos outlining these three goals: why you should donate, what we can do if we win the grant, and why you should volunteer with KLIK.

It will be a busy month, and we’ll try to keep this blog updated as much as possible with updates.  So, until next time, give our fundraiser a nice kick-off and donate today!

Bohemian and other stuff

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Hey Everyone,

We’re almost done with the Bohemian grant!! This grant (if we get it) will pay for us to buy a new mixer, so we can get rid of the small one we have now, and get a multi-line phone system. Keep your fingers crossed, it would be a joy to get this grant!

Also as far as grants go, please go to http://www.refresheverything.com/klikradio and vote for us to win the Pepsi 5K grant.

February is a big month, as far as money need goes. And since we wont get the grants until at least March we have some fund raising to do! So get out there and ask your friends, neighbors, grandparents, and coaches for donations! THANKS!


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