We are glad to ring in the new year with some fresh volunteers and a board that is coming along.
Communication is becoming a goal for everyone to help solve problems everyone has recently encountered. One way we are striving to keep everyone informed and in contact is by creating a Volunteer Coordinator position within KLIK! This position has not been filled yet, but once it is, communication between everyone can be regulated and contact information updated as volunteers come and go.
Another position that we are hoping to fill is the Fundraising Coordinator. Right now, this is what we really need: a person whos main focus is fundraisers.
Neither the F.C. or the V.C. positions have been filled, but we are planning for more new volunteers for 2010, so they will hopefully get filled and help the organization grow and become more organized.
-Kelsey Barnes, President
January 8th, 2010 at 8:51 am
Please conntact us (peter@fcyb.org) if you are interested in either of these jobs!