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Hello Everyone,

Now that school is over for myself (and i think today is everyone else’s last day) I’ve been starting to work on the fund-raiser! Currently Matt, Aaron and I are working on getting a space to rent and looking for items for a silent auction. (The fund-raiser will consist of a Concert and a Silent Auction). If you are able to help with the fund-raiser or have items to donate for the silent auction let me know. My email is



Our New Space!

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I don’t have any pictures yet, but I will be taking some…most likely tomorrow…with my parents’ incredibly nice wide-angle lens digital camera.  Our lease on the new space at 230 Cherry St began May 1st, and continues through January 15, 2010.  My mother loves the space, all the volunteers who have seen it so far love it, everyone seems to like it.  So, I’d say we’ve got a winner!

Now…NAI, our landlord, who is also a non-profit, does something very cool.  On each office, they have a plaque dedicating the office to its user, in addition to whomever paid for the office.  This made me wonder if we could get people to pay for our office space directly, in exchange for a plaque and advertising.  I’ve put it up as an option on the “Sponsors” page, and I’ll be talking to Pete to see if he thinks we can get some businesses in on donating large chunks of change to pay for entire leases.

While we were originally going to try to relocate the entire studio this weekend, I realized there was no phone service at the new studio, so we’ll probably end up moving throughout the entire week.  Plus, we still have some stuff to fix at the old studio (like the color of the walls).

We’ll have to see what happens!  I’m also going to create Pete a new accont on this blog so he can start making posts about his progress as incoming manager.

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