Valentine’s Day!

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Yes…Valentine’s Day is upon us. Which means we’re busy as ever at the KLIK Radio.

We have narrowed down our office space options to two. We’re not sure if the Key Bank Tower will be willing to work with us on alternatives to electronic access, but hopefully they will. 🙂 The other option is above the Olive Street Bakery, the Kinko’s, etc. at 120 W Olive.

The United Way Volunteer Drive for PSD schools starts in a couple weeks! We’ve got plenty of opportunities lined up, just give us a call for details.

I’ve also been ordered by the board of directors to create a standardized volunteer application and show profile form, so I suppose I’ll be doing that with the little free time I have.

We’ve decided our biggest concern now should be our volunteer count. The count has slowly been going down, and after we graduate, the number will drop tremendously. My goal is to get the number of seniros involved in the station to, at most, 25% by the end of the school year. All we have to do is recruit more young people, and things will be fantastic!

In addition, we’re going to do as much as we can to improve the quality of our programming. This includes getting our hands on a new prorgamming director, cutting back on inconsistent volunteers, and making it easier for volunteers to accept phone calls, download new music, and interact with listeners.

My personal goal is to start posting to this site more often. And possibly get a design change…I’m getting a little tired of the regular FCYB design.

Thanks for reading! I’m hopefully going to get in the habit of posting weekly, if not more. So check back soon for the latest FCYB gossip.

One Response to “Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Piera Says:

    Great work.

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