It’s a New Year!

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And that means all kinds of crazy stuff is going on.  Mostly including annual reports, an IRS 990-N, a board meeting in 2 days, and possibly an organization name change.

An organization name change would be the biggest change to date with our non-profit.  My personal suggestion is Colorado Youth Radio.  There are plenty of good reasons to change it:

  • Currently, on our IRS confirmation letter, my home address is listed as the agency address.  This is competely inaccurate.
  • We no longer have only volunteers in Fort Collins.  We are an Internet radio station.  People will associate better with “Colorado” than “Fort Collins.”
  • “Fort Collins Youth Broadcasting, Inc.” is just way too long.
  • “Colorado Youth Radio” is far shorter.
  • On the other hand, we lose our spiffy domain name and would have to change to “” or something like that.
  • It would allow us to run any new manager through a complicated business-related process.

Unfortunately, going back to that last reason, I still do not have a replacement! At the rate things are going, I may never find one!!! Very bad news for the station.

In other news, our Bohemian Foundation grant check was lost on the mail somehow.  So, I am personally paying the bills until that check comes in.  On the plus side, we recently received a $250 grant from Do Something, as well as a $50 donation from Dana Clark.  Woot!

I also need $65 to buy Peachtree.  I’m running out of trial attempts.  I too have been conned in by Peachtree’s scheme to make you buy their product.  Thankfully for us, we’re pre-approved at TechSoup and can get a copy with a 90% discount.  Talk about awesome!

Studio move!  Our lease is up in February, which means that we’ll be taking the month of February to slowly transition into the new studio.  All the essentials will be moved as soon as DSL is installed, and the other stuff that’s in “storage” will be migrated over slowly.  I have heard tell, though, that the aforementioned Bohemian Foundation has purchased the building in question.  Hopefully this means the incredible deal we struck with Ada Chen won’t go away.

Until next time, folks, have a fantastic day, and continue reading if you so desire.

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