Long Time No Talk!

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Ever since school has started, things have gone bollistic with my personal life, hence the reason I haven’t been able to post so much.

First off…grant applications.  We’ve turned in 3 foundation grant applications, and may potentially turn in a few more, and well be applying for a few $500 mini-grants this month.  Our total grants in 2009 should, in theory, equal $6,250.  So far…we’ve applied for:

  • Bohemian Foundation – $6,250
  • Sutherland Family Foundation – $5,000
  • Erion Foundation – $2,500

Depending on how things work out, most likely the $6,250 will be divided among the contributing foundations, and we will return the appropriate amount so each foundation contributes an equal amount.

Our haunted house suffered a bit of a setback when the Bingham Hill Cemetery owner decided to not let us use her property for our haunted house.  However we’ve relocated the festivities to the Livermore Community Hall, for the purposes of spookyness and darkness and stuff.  A location in Fort Collins just doesn’t have the same effect.  LaPorte may have some other spooky places, but we’ve most likely gone too far with the community hall to back out.

I made an amazing discovery today!  Incredible non-profit office space!  It’s amazing! I had no camera or phone on me today so I couldn’t take pictures.  It’s 600 square feet, and I won’t disclose the price for the sole purpose that we’d like to keep our opportunity entact :)  However, needless to say, this will reduce the “Rent” category in our budget dramatically, and allow us to do some other cool things instead of rent payments.  Details on this to come soon.

We have a new mailing address for donations!  You can find it in our Contact page.

On the search for finding replacements: I have a potential replacement treasurer in mind.  She’s in my accounting class right now, is a junior, and the simple fact she’s in accounting shows she must have some mild interest in treasury business.

I don’t think Tyler has been successful in making any sales, unfortunaetly.  Someday we’ll succeed, though! 😀

The iPod marketing campaign is not going well! And I’m not really sure why.  Everyone loves free stuff, especially when it’s a free iPod.  Seriously…it’s brand new, it’s $150 otherwise…save yourself $150…and if you don’t want it, sell it! People are so confusing 🙁

My marketing campaign idea was to print out little sheets of fake iPods and leave them all over the school with some info on the “screen” about the contest.  Not sure if it would work or not…but it’s worth a shot.

As I think of more, I will definietly post!  Hopefully I’ll remember to post here more often from now on…

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