Wow, a lot’s been happening. I need to keep this thing updated more 🙂
To start, our group on Facebook has exploded. We get about 20 more people added into it every day, and people are inviting their friends. Right now there are about 120 pending invitations.
We got a contract from Wray Fitch in Washington, DC for the release of our application for the Red Feather Lakes station. We then get our nice, big, fat check from Wren Communications, only to then turn around and give it all to Fireside on January 15.
Also, there’s a potential for arranging studio space in the basement of one of our member’s homes. More details on that soon.
Other than that, we’ll probably have one last face-to-face quick meeting before Xmas break starts (probably on that Friday), and it’ll be happy holidays till the new year!
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