Parent Donation Plan

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We’ve come up with an idea to raise money. If we can get 300 parents to pay $10/month, our big expenses are covered. There are roughly 344 high school teachers in the district, which means that 87% of teachers would have to subscribe in order to pay for the station.

On the parent side of things, there are supposedly 25,000 students in the Poudre School District. Assuming an average family has 3 kids that means there are 8,333.333 families that the PSD serves. To make numbers smaller to assume the worst, that means there are 8,000 families in the PSD. If only 300 families need to have active membership for our expenses to be paid, that means only 0.375% of families would absolutely have to join, well below the average 3% of people who actually donate/subscribe to such a solicitation.

There are roughly 6,000 high school students in the PSD. Assuming there are 2 teens in high school from each family at any given time (which isn’t necessarily true, but it gives a worst-case scenario), there are 3,000 families in Fort Collins with a student attending high school. That means 10% of high school families would have to “join in” to this plan, which is well above the average 3%.

Assuming the 3% figure is accurate, 10 teachers will pay $10/month to the station. That leaves 290 subscriptions to go. 290 divided by 0.03 is 9,666.666, which means we’ll likely have to market to 10,000 families in order to achieve our desired donation amount. Ten thousand families 120% of the number of families in the district.

So basically, our financial situation sucks.

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