VPSLand Boots SAM

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Apparently SAM Broadcaster uses 90% of the processor of a very nice server.  Yeah right.  But, regardless, VPSLand will no longer allow to us to host SAM Broadcaster on their VPS.

That virtually renders our VPS worthless.  We have one more month with these people, and then I’m cancelling the Windows VPS and going back to a Linux VPS for streaming purposes only.  That definitely reduces our streaming costs.  🙂

I can’t wait until we can get some sponsors and get a studio and get a computer dedicated to this and an Internet connection dedicated to this so we don’t have to use my home bandwidth.  🙁

Obstables to Overcome

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In order to get on FM radio, we basically have to cross a minefield and come back alive.  Here’s a summarized list of all that has to happen, basically at the same time:

  • Keep KIMX from moving from Laramie to Fort Collins
  • Make sure that the Educational Media Foundation gets their KLDV translator on 96.9.
  • Purchase the 88.3 KLHV license.

We have no idea what the story is with KIMX.  They go by “Planet 96.7” in Laramie, and cover an enormous area with a Class C2 signal.  However, they want to move to Nunn, CO and use an allotment there.  We imagine they’ll have to go to auction to get this frequency, and we don’t know when the next auction will be for commercial radio stations.  So, if we want to keep them out of Fort Collins, we need to have a bunch of signatures saying we don’t want them here.

Why we don’t want them here: because if they move to Fort Collins, the possibility of a translator on 96.9 disappears.  The Educational Media Foundation applied for this frequency some time ago, and are likely going to have to take place in an auction to get it because it’s in the commercial band.  That means lot’s of cha-ching being spent to get the translator.  BUT then see step 3….

We purchase KLHV.  Which means great things for Educational Media Foundation because we will have likely paid for much of their auction price.  We get their full-power license, and they’ll get their translator license, and keep Fort Collins in a protected contour like they’ve always wanted.

So…if you want us on FM radio…welcome to the real world, and please sign the petition.

My Very Own Part 15 Network

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I’m thinking about proposing to the board that we operate a “Part 15” network until we can purchase 88.3.  WHICH BETTER HAPPEN AND HERE’S WHY: EMF has applied for a TRANSLATOR license…IN FORT COLLINS!!!!


So that pissed me off.  And if we bought KLHV from them, that’d mean more money to use when participating in the auction to get the frequency.  AND money for them to use on equipment for the new station.  Unless they’re taking their old stuff out when we buy it.

But, in the meantime, I believe we should setup a Part 15 network across Fort Collins.  I highly suggest this especially at the 4 high schools.  We could then sell little FM radios so they can listen to us while in class :)  Plus, Part 15 stations have a surprisingly large coverage area.  You get about 3 kilometers covered with a 40-dBu contour, and a shocking 777 meters with a 60-dBu contour.

In addition, people could then setup Part 15 relays at their houses for about $170.  We might even be able to start an incentive program where we pay a percentage of the cost, depending on how many students there are that would be covered.

I think we’ll also try to get a full-power 88.7 in Red Feather just as a “backup.”  It also helps boost coverage in that area.  And, if we find that we don’t need it or would feel better-served by a translator, we could potentially sell or just give the license to a local organization and have local Red Feather radio.

In the meantime, SPONSORS.  Why isn’t anyone wanting to sponsor us?  Or do I just suck at getting sponsors?  One of the two is true…because I haven’t heard back from *anyone* except Fort Fun.  And they don’t give cash donations.

Ugh.  And listener counts have dropped too.  :(  We need another meeting.

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