Jun 22
In bullet summary form, here’s what’s been happening:
- Elizabeth and I attempted making a business plan yesterday. I’m not sure if it is one or not.
- Elizabeth criticized how much I write.
- We’re looking at getting studio space in the Oak Street Plaza, Professional Bldg. 149 W Oak.
- My parents donated $500.
- I contacted David Graff at Jostens to see if they’d be willing to sponsor us.
- We’ve projected our Internet-radio operating costs to be about $6,000/year.
- We’ve e-mailed EMF Broadcasting to see if they’ll negotiate their KLHV to move from 88.3 to 88.1 so we can get on 88.5.
- We’ve projected that getting on FM will cost about $100,000. $50,000 for land, and the rest is other stuff.
- We got a MySpace.
- Our call sign has a meaning: Kangaroo Zombies from Canada; or KZ Fort Collins, whichever you like.
- KZFC will most likely be our call sign just because Grethe gave it a killer meaning.
- If KLHV does move to 88.1, we’ll operate on 88.5 broadcasting from Nunn, licensed to Fort Collins, broadcasting at 40 kilowatts from 70 meters above the ground. Nice round numbers 🙂
- I LOVE Africa by Toto. Haha. And so does Lucinda.
- Grethe still wants to run her show.
- Lucinda and Bri might be running a show.
- We’re working on getting LogMeIn Rescue for people who can’t seem to get their players working.
- PayPal approved us to solicit donations.
- I’m almost done with our 501(c)(3) application. We’ll be sending that in on Monday, most likely, along with a nice $300 check.
- We’re also looking into running a mountain translator on some frequency to cover Red Feather Lakes and Glacier View. It might run on 88.5 as well, but we still have to figure all that out.
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